Tuesday, September 01, 2009

At the PSU Farmers Market

Found this footage from a show a few months ago. Played there this morning, in the pouring rain. A good day in spite of the weather. Spotted a cart selling Hot Tamales! Played the Robert Johnson song about "Hot Tamales" and made some friends!


Henry said...

heheh...now there's a blues devil.
Great vid DL, love it.

one step ahead said...

hey!! i have traveled far to learn to tune my dobro dobro to open g. gdgbdg low to high. please friend help!

Unknown said...

Well, Alex, I use a DGDGBD tuning. I'd recommend trying that, and looking into the "Big Road Blues" forum http://www.bigroadblues.com/forum/index.php

Lots of help there.

And Practice!

Komuso Tokugawa said...

Play dem blues!